Avolites Titan Net Processor
This Avolites Titan Net Processor shows wear but is in good working condition. It was last serviced on February 2023.
Case not included.
Expand show systems with networked DMX processing, or use as the flexible hub of any lighting installation.
This item has been listed by a member of our worldwide community. Buying a brokered item like this is the perfect way to purchase hard to find equipment at a great price. All brokered item sales include a 72 hour (3 business days) quality inspection window. Once the item arrives, just let us know if you are unsatisfied- your purchase is guaranteed by UsedLighting.com!
- 16 Universes processed
- 8 DMX512 outlets optical and galvanic isolation
- SMPTE balanced input
- MIDI in, thru and Out
- 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, either fitted at the front or back of the unit (fitted to the front ex-works)
- Bright 800x600 touch sensitive LCD slated upwards
- Integral part of the Titan console family with a dedicated UI on the console
- 2 USB ports on front panel
- Build in UPS (5 x 5 minute session without charging)
- Internal processing shock-mounted
- Dimensions: 481 x 426 x 132mm / 18.94 x 16.77 x 5.20 in
- Weight: 14.5 kg / 32 lbs
- (1) Titan Net Processor
- Case not included
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