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Leprecon LP-1648 96 Channel Console


In Stock: 1 InStock used
  • SOLD BY: Site Member


This Leprecon LP-1648 96 Channel Console has heavy wear but is in good working condition.

The LP1600 was designed to be a unique lighting controller. Our intention was to build a simple, yet very powerful desk for use in a wide variety of applications. The design and layout of the LP-1600 is similar to the approach used with other Leprecon control boards. The basic operations are kept simple, and more advanced features can be learned and used as time and experience allows. The result is that the LP1600 consists of four independent sections. The simplest board mode is a basic two scene console. Using the crossfader, stage scenes are alternated between the two manual presets. Bump buttons and led indicators make the LP1600 very capable even without accessing the memory features. The next step is to use the Preset Master features of the board. Setting the Y/Presets switch to the Presets position will convert the lower scene to a bank of independent scenes with 12 pages of memory. This is the memory mode most used for live performance, or any event that requires maximum cue changes with minimum setup time. 

This item has been listed by a member of our worldwide community. Buying a brokered item like this is the perfect way to purchase hard to find equipment at a great price. All brokered item sales include a 72 hour (3 business days) quality inspection window. Once the item arrives, just let us know if you are unsatisfied- your purchase is guaranteed by UsedLighting.com!

Additional Details

Ships From: York, PA, USA
Manufacturer: Leprecon
Condition: Good
Model: LP-1648
Item #: 57173 (Brokered)
Tags: Consoles, Leprecon
Specs Includes
  • (1) LP-1648 96 Channel Console
  • (1) Power Supply
  • (3) Desk Lamp
  • (1) Road Case

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Ships from: York, PA, USA


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